The Cavern

by Lord Fishbone

Deep below the surface of Meovanni in a small cavern lived a evil canine wizard whose name is impossible to pronounce. There he would conjure up new potions and spells and torture all who entered his cave. His methods of torture were unheard of. He would rip them limb from limb while covering there wounds with salt. Then he would throw them into a pit of darkness that never ended. He would use magic to keep his captives alive for all eternity. None who have ever entered his cave and came back.

The price on his head was so large that every warrior with a large ego and a sword pursued him. The number of missing egotistical warriors grew and grew. The wizards power grew and grew and grew. No one could stop him.

Then one day a young furre named Carson who looked very small and incapable to kill any wizard. Everyone taunted him and said that he couldn't do it. But the ones who the public thought were capable kept on turning up missing. There were the few who wanted to let him try. Probably only cause they would take what they got but they wanted to give him a chance none the less. They finally convinced the king to give him a chance. The next day he set off to the caverns.

He approached the opening of the cavern. Through the ground flowed a river of blood and a river of fire. They ran side by side and in the distance he saw they jointed. He followed that river further and found then the cavern ended except for a small tunnel where the river continued through. At first he thought that this was a dead end and he couldn't get through. Out of thin air appeared a small boat. He decided to hop on since he didn't have much other choice. The river came to a stop in a torture chamber he hopped out and he was immediately caught in some form of a stasis field. The wizard came out of a appeared and Carson looked amazed by the size of the wizard, but a grin appeared on his face. He waved his arms and the field was no more. In suprise the wazard said, "What the...? Who or what are you?"

Carson then responded, "Now that you do not need to know."

He then pointed at the wizard and the wizard was thrown back towards the wall.

"Oohhhh very good", said the wizard as an evil grin appeared on his face.

The wizard then punched the ground and a huge wake came from the ground throwing causing Carson to fall to the ground extremely hard. They Carson stood and said lets get this over with. They both then help their fist out as a large beam emitted from both of their hands. The beams hit each other and The wizards came closer and closer to Carson and he knew that on contact with the beam he would be killed and all hope of killing the wizard would be lost. So he decided to take his true form. Still keeping up his beam he turned into a massive creature with a hunched over back and no furre with horns sharp as diamonds, yet he may have looked evil but in his eyes and his face there was a strong sense of good. His beam then came closer and closer to the wizard until hit finally hit and killed him. He then turned back in to furre form and carried the Wizard back to town. When he approached the town the entire town let out a large cheer for joy but still had the essence of suprise on their faces. He drop the body in the town immediately left without receiving payment. To this day no one has seen him again.

MORAL: never judge a book by its cover.


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