An Evening At Mycroft's
A Furcadia Story
By: Lobo Lorewulf

All people places and events in this story are purely fictional and could not
exist anywhere except in the minds and dreams of those who inhabit the
world of Furcadia. Even then any resemblance to actual events in Furcadia
(or anywhere else) is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Furcadia is copyright 1996 by Dragon's Eye Productions.

All the characters in this story are the property of their respective
owners and all the characters involved in this story were fully aware that
this story would be written. I have obtained their personal permission to
use their characters in this story. Any use of these characters should be
addressed to the person in question. (most of the time these people can be
found in Furcadia)

Gar Lunarfang , Robert Bobcat , High Cub Lunar , J'arehk , Valian and
SpRark Willow are all the property of myself Lobo Lorewulf (A.K.A. Gar)

Well now that all the legal stuff is done... on to the story.

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First however maybe I should explain a few things:

Dreams: Dreams are the term given to user maps/worlds created by the
characters of Furcadia. For the purpose of this story however they are
exactly what their name implies... They are dreams dreamed by the people
dreaming them, with one major difference. Due to the atmosphere of the
world of Furcadia dream energies can be harnessed by multiple people. In
effect you and your friend can both dream the same dream.

Hugs: Hugs in Furcadia are an alternate way of greeting people that you may
know fairly well. Usually a greeting of close friends will go something like this:

"Destiny! Hi, I haven't seen you around today." Perivlon greets Destiny
with a hug.

"Hi, Peri.(abbreviations of names are often used)." Destiny returns the

Hugs are just like a handshake except between close friends and are used
casually all the time. Usually between members of the opposite sex, hugs
however are not confined to gender. It is simply less common to see furres
of the same gender hugging. Now I know there are those furres who would
send me nasty e-mail telling me otherwise about the nature of hugs but I
thought I might try my best to clear it up for our non-furre readers.

'Nuff said on with the show!