The Gryphon and the Gift

by Issarad J'Khale

Long ago in a kingdom far across the sea, there lived a poor farmer. He worked everyday in his fields to make sure that his wife and kits were taken care of. One day while working in the hot sun he spotted a shape in the clouds. Enthralled, he watched the shape twirl and dance among them, like a ballerina on stage. As he watched, he noticed that the shape was getting larger. As the shape swooped in low overhead, he could make it out, it was a gryphon.

He had never seen such a sight, though he had heard tales from his kin. It's large eagle head and wings on the body of a great cat made him think that it was the most majestic thing he had ever seen. It circled low overhead, watching the farmer. The farmer in turn watched the gryphon. As they admired each other, the gryphon let out a deafening roar of pain and came crashing down into the farmer's field.

The farmer, unafraid, ran to the gryphon, who he saw had an arrow buried deep under it's wing. Approaching slowly, he stayed within the gryphons line of sight, as not to startle the poor wounded beast. The gryphon looked at him, almost begging with it's eyes for help. The farmer came up and petted the gryphon, trying to sooth it't pain. "Do not fear, noble beast, I shall help you", said the farmer as he grasped the arrow and pulled it free. The farmer took off his shirt and pressed it to the gryphon's wound, to try and stop the bleeding. "Come with me, if you can manage, we need to hide you from the foul persons who would shoot such a fine creature for sport.", said the farmer in a very gentle tone, hoping the gryphon could understand him.

The gryphon slowly rose to it's paws and followed the farmers lead back to his barn. The barn was empty and the farmer allowed the gryphon to rest in the hay. "Rest well, I need to tend to my fields, for my family needs to eat.", said the farmer in a low voice. The farmer returned to his fields to tend to his crops.

While working he noticed a small band of armed and mounted furres approaching on horseback. "Have you seen a horrible beast around these parts, peasant?", said the lead furre in a haughty voice, full of contempt.

"Why, no sir, I haven't", said the farmer, barely able to hold back his urge to scream at the armed furres for shooting such a wonderous creature.

"Well, keep a sharp eye out, there is a horrible winged terror about, but with us here, you have nothing to fear", laffed the large furre.

"Aye, I will M'Lord. I should go home and look after my family", said the farmer as he bowed and hurried back to his barn.

As he approached the barn, he noticed that the doors had been pushed open and that the gryphon was gone. He bowed his head and softly spoke into the wind, "I hope you are safe from those ignorant fools, gryphon. Be well."

Many long months came and past into the depths of winter. The farmer's supplies for the winter were already dangerously low, and there was still a long time left before spring. Each night the farmer would go out to his field and look into the sky for the gryphon, hoping to see it again, but fearing that the armed furres had found it and finished it off.

Finally one night he said a small prayer to the spirit of the gryphon, wherever it may be. "Forgive the furres who know not your magnificent beauty. May your soul rest well in peace", said the farmer.

On his way back to his house he heard the sounds of beating wings. As he turned around he saw the gryphon, fully healed and holding a medium sized deer in it's beak. It layed the deer down and backed away from it, looking into the farmers eyes.

It truly amazed him by speaking, "You, dear farmer, showed me compassion when none was asked. As a sign of my thanks, I give you this deer I have caught as payment. If ever you are in need, just speak into the wind and I shall know".

"Thank you, gryphon. What is your name, so that the winds may know who to deliver my nightly blessings to?", said the farmer.

The gryphon raised it's head high and spoke in a friendly tone, "My name is Ter'akk, and I thank you for my life. My mate and cubs thank you as well. This gift is for your family so that they may prosper as mine now do, all thanks to you."

The farmer, a bit surprised to learn of Ter'akk's family, smiled at him and bowed. Ter'akk bowed his head low in return. "Remember farmer, all you ever need to do is ask the wind, and if it is in my power, you shall have no need to despair.", said Ter'akk.

As the gryphon flew off into the night sky, the farmer hoisted the deer over his shoulder and smiled. "Thank you Ter'akk, my family is indebted to you as well. I hope to see you again, my friend gryphon", said the farmer.

As he dragged the deer home he could have sworn he heard the wind whisper to him, "You will, my friend, you will"

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