Here I Am

The wind, it whispers in your ear
Softly saying..Come hither and see
You follow the spirit of the breezes
Down untrodden paths and trails
Your fur is warm in the summer sun
Brushing you, and caressing you softly
The wind it still beckons
Come hither and yon
Your paws lead you to where no one knows
A grove, of mighty oaks and firs
That open and let you silently in
Your eyes..they widen at the sacred place
Taking in the still water..the shining figure smiling at you
A Unicorn...the ageless ones
Smiles and holds you close
Saying....Here I am...
-By Jalin Tor'ith

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this poem may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at for comments and suggestions.

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