Memories of You
By Jalin Tor'ith

I think upon you, my lovely Erin, as I look up into the rain falling from the gray skies, I think upon you. It washes away the dirt and grime as you once did, your gentle paw always with a kind and comforting word when I returned from the battle Lines.

I remember the tears of joy we shared when our son was born, his crying making us both worry into the night, those many sleepless nights. We shared everything you and I, there were no secrets, no other people in our lives, just us. The days we spent in the bright sunlight, laughing and making love till we were tired, sleeping upon the cool grass.

I remember the days when we fought oh so terribly, but then always made up, cause one of us couldn’t stand being apart from the other. Your dark eyes shedding tears when we sat and talked it all over, mingling with mine, our love was strong back then Erin.

I remember the nights when the snow would keep us in the house, the fireplace was ours and the mugs of cider we would share. The look upon our children’s faces when they opened their gifts on Yule Eve, the ornaments on the tree reflecting their smiles.

The thoughts of your smile and laughter ring like bells through my mind as I think upon you. The day when I asked your father for your hand in marriage, and the long talks we has after that, your father the kindest person I had known,your mother welcoming me with open arms.

I remember the hot days of summer, when the family would gather and celebrate the Solstice, the feasting and music, and how we danced long into the night. How the day I was called to arms in the defense of our country, you were so proud of me in my armor, standing tall with the others. Your lingering kiss lasted me through those cold nights in the dark hills, your letters and words making me fight all the harder to return.

I remember the night I came home from my first tour, your arms around me and the love we shared after months apart, relearning about each other and taking days alone. The cool damp of the forest as we took our walks together, the children looking and wanting to learn about everything. The peaceful looks upon their faces as we took them to bed after a long day, just watching them from the doorway with smiles on our faces.

The memories slide by like quicksilver, days and months of love and bright sunlight, the years we had spent together looking forward to everything that life brings.

The most prominent thing I remember is your face, the warmth in your dark eyes, the smile that you always shared with me. The lithe, trim body that took and received love with such passion, how you were always worried you looked fat, but laughed when I told you you didn’t.

The days I would take walks alone and gather myself for the return to the Lines, the promotions that came and how proud you were for me, but always worried.

I remember the day I walked in and found you crying, you told me that you worried so much when I was away. I told you never to cry for I would always return. Then the day came when you were taken from me by the Hyooman’s who raided our town, how I cried when I saw you lying still, to the last protecting our children with your body. How I remembered my promise that I would always come home.

I think upon you my Erin, as I lay here on this battlefield breathing my last, my tears falling as I keep my promise, I am returning my love, I am returning to you.

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this story may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at for comments and suggestions.

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