
Her heart with love is full
To oceans deep they sail away
Riding upon a bull
The pods they sing oh praises deep
The whales they chorus in
Our Minn she laughs, she sings and smiles
Our hearts she will win
The waves they crest and crash below
The skies they sing a tune
For storms never come in shallow
When Minn is there in June
So listen you, to the songs they sing
They will tell a tale I say!
Of Minn and Pods of Dolphins
Who laugh and sing and play!
-By Jalin Tor'ith

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this poem may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at Jalins_bar@hotmail.com for comments and suggestions.

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