The Sun and the Moon

By Pangaea

Long ago before we came into being, before memory ws born, the Sun, sitting in the darkness, grew lonely. So she set herself on fire, hoping to be noticed - praying she was not alone. Long and long the Sun did shine, feeding the fires of her need, growing brighter as each day passed.

Then one day, traveling alone, as was his fate, the Moon saw a light in the distance, and was instanly filled with hope. "What is it that shenes so brightly here amidst this desolation?" the moon asked himself? "I must go and see what it is that can shine so bright as to cast light on all existance."

And so the Moon was drawn to the sun, and sought to find her. Long he did travel and as he drew closer, the brightness increased, until one day, the moon in an effort to talk to the sun took her light into himself and cast it back to the sun, to show that he had seen her... to not give up...

The sun, seeing the reflection of her light directed back to her, found hope, and shown brighter still, reaching out to the Moon, encouraging him on his journey.

The Moon seeing this change in the sun, took in all the light he could hold, and cast it back to her again, telling the sun, "I am comming my love, I am coming."

And the sun answered him in a solar blaze of love. And so was the first love born from darkness...

Not long after, the Moon drew close to the sun, his journey over. So bright was the suns love for moon, that the moon was blinded, and could only circle the sun, lost in his love for her.

As the moon drew close, so bright did sun shine, that all memory was burned from his soul, leaving him barren, devoid of all but his love of the sun, and still he cast her light back to her.

The sun seeing this drew moon closer still, till finally they touched...

...and the heavens were born of their passion...

...their children, the stars, filled the heavens...

...tiny spots of light reflecting their parents love...

All too quickly it seemed, the Sun released the Moon, before her love could kill him.

The Moon, blinded as he was, could only continue to reflect the sun. So the sun sent forth the heat of the fires in her soul...

The moon, feeling her warmth, knew she was there, and was able to follow.

And so he follows still...

From dawn to dusk..........."

Always one footstep behind his love... for eternity.

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