Hidden Treasure

As Told at the Bard's Circle

Lygeia gazes at the furres surrounding her as she scooches up closer into the circle.

Not so very long ago.. Right here in Meovanni, there lived a kindly furre by the name of Dark Star. For years and years, Dark Star lived in great poverty, but never was his faith in the Dreamin shaken, nor his love of Aristaya lessened.

One night in his old age, he had a dream in which somefurre bade him look for a treasure under the bridge leading to the king's palace far in the north of Kasuria. Three nights later, he had the same dream again... and yet a third time three days after this.

By this, Dark Star knew the dream was sent by Aristaya and so he prepared for the long journey and soon was on his way. When he arrived, he found the bridge well guarded both night and day and he was afraid to start digging with them watching. Still, every day he would rise early and walk around the bridge until night fell.

At last the captain of the guard came up to him and asked if he was looking for somefurre. Dark Star told the captain of his dream which had led him on his long journey.

The captain laughed and slapped his leg, saying, "And so to please a dream, you poor fellow have worn out your shoes to come here? As for having faith in dreams, if I had had it, I should have had to get going all the way to Meovanni when a dream once told me to go there and dig for treasure under the porch of one Dark Star. Ha! And there half the furres are named Dark something and the other half are named Star something."

And the captain laughed again and patted Dark Star on the back before walking away, shaking his head. Dark Star, though, traveled home and there beneath the stones of his porch he found a great treasure, which he used to build the House of Dreams.

Lygeia looks around at the furres again and smiles. "Take this story to heart and make what it says your own: there is something you cannot find anywhere, not even in the Dreaming; and there is nevertheless, a place where you can find it."

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