
For we all heard a wild roar out of his tent I say!
We thought Attack! or raid! Invasion we all feared!
Grabbing our swords and spears, we rushed to save the warrior feared!
Roars and sounds of battle, came from inside the tent..
We stood outside and watched, our halberds at the bent...
The light inside showed us, the shadows of battle cold...
I swear to you furladies and gents, this story is true I'm told!
We entered the tent, twas cold inside, the fire long gone out..
Where Xe stood atop a table...his muzzle sweated about...
He roared and said "Ye'll not get me, foul beast and monster bold!
Swung his sword again and swore, I be a warrior told!
But we could not help , but double up and stare..
Our armor gleamed and shone in light, our eyes were so aware...
For in that place, a monster stood..as bold and brazen in the house...
We doubled up with laughter, for only twas a mouse!
But the battle raged and the day wore on
as we stood and watched poor Xe...
For we all know who the winner was that final fateful day..
More laughter roared and mirth that day, nearly killed us all...
As the mouse did claim Xe's tent, for his very own Hero's Hall!
-By Jalin Tor'ith

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this poem may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at Jalins_bar@hotmail.com for comments and suggestions.

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