Beekin Events Calendar - January, 2024

Displaying all times in Furcadia Standard Time (FST), click here to change the time zone.

Jan 12 Fri
Beekin Orientation

Friday, January 12, 2024, 4:00 pm FST
Announced 2024-01-09 9:03 pm FST, by Zyber

Teacher: Zyber
Assistant: Kufky
Location: Aerie, Blue Classroom

Hello Trainees!

This is for your first class in the path to becoming a full fledged Beekin!

Class will be in the Blue Classroom of the Aerie, with a maximum of ten in attendance. Come early and grab your seat and get your learn on!

Beekin Basics

Friday, January 12, 2024, 5:00 pm FST
Announced 2024-01-09 9:04 pm FST, by Zyber

Teacher: Zyber
Assistant: Kufky
Location: Aerie, Blue Classroom

Hello Trainees!

This is for your second class in the path to becoming a full fledged Beekin!

Bring your flack jackets and helmets!

Class will be in the Blue Classroom of the Aerie, with a maximum of ten in attendance. Come early, grab your seat and get your learn on!

Jan 14 Sun
Welcomers Class

Sunday, January 14, 2024, 5:00 pm FST
Announced 2024-01-12 7:11 pm FST, by Kufky

Teacher: Kufky
Assistant: Zyber
Location: Aerie, Blue Classroom

This is the final class required by all Welcomers in training!

Please ensure you've taken both Beekin Orientation and Basics before attending.