DragonSpeak Tutorials

Welcome to the DragonSpeak tutorial section. DragonSpeak is probably the most confusing part about dream creation, so we wanted to put together a page that people could go use to get tips, hints and examples of how to do some of the more common and/or hard parts of DragonSpeak.

The examples will be in alphabetical order, so it shouldn't be that hard to find what you're looking for, but remember that you can always use the find command (Generally Ctrl-F) to search this page for a specific word.

We hope to eventually have every major question answered in these tutorial pages, so if there is a problem that you're having with your dream, and you can't find the answer here, do not hesitate to drop us an e-mail at masons@furcadia.com. We'll try our best to add it to this tutorial section.

Creating Animation with Objects
How to animate objects in your dream.
Creating Locks
How to lock private areas in your dream.
Opening/Closing Object Doors
How to use objects to create opening/closing doors as a furre walks through them.
Text DragonSpeak for Signs
Using the new text DragonSpeak to simulate readable signs in your dream.
Toggling Objects
How to "toggle" or swap one object for another in your dream.
Using Stairs
How to add a second floor to your dream using stairs.
Using Timers
How to animate objects using offset and countdown timers.
Using Warp Dragonspeak
How to teleport furres from place to place in your dream.

Contact Us

Do you have a question that you couldn't find the answer to? Is there a tutorial that you'd like to see added to the MKb? If so, drop us an e-mail. The MKb is created for the Furcadian public, so in order to be effective, we need to know what information you want it to contain. If e-mail links don't work for you, just send us an e-mail at masons@furcadia.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

This page, subsequent pages and all content therein, unless otherwise stated is copyright © Dragon's Eye Productions. Site maintained by The Beekin Scribes.